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where leaders bring their brilliance into form

home of the Auspicious Mind

aus·pi·cious – prosperous, conducive to success

welcome. I'm Yelena Reese.

I’m a writer, subtle mind educator, and a creative strategist to purpose-driven stewards and creators of change.

I know when you unburden the mind from the weight of past impressions and nurture your higher faculties, you experience a version of you that can imagine, dream, create, and be more.

It’s the version of you that brings big vision into form; that experiences joy and channels creative potential effortlessly and with a steady inner flame. 

You are already that. We simply align you to a strategy that is uniquely yours and auspicious. 

My work is inspired by 9+ years of experience supporting leaders in bringing their most meaningful work into the world and 5+ years of deep personal meditative practice.  

My intention, always, is to guide you to your inner knowing and to shine a light on all that is already available to you now.